
Participation Waiver

I, the undersigned parent/guardian, consent to my child’s participation in all activities at Building Bosses Academy. I acknowledge that some activities may involve inherent risks, including, but not limited to, field trips, physical activities, and STEM-related workshops. I release Building Bosses Academy, its staff, and affiliates from liability for injuries, accidents, or loss of personal property.

Medical Waiver

In the event of an emergency, I authorize the staff of Building Bosses Academy to arrange for emergency medical care for my child. I agree to assume responsibility for all medical expenses.

Photo/Video Release Waiver

I grant permission for Building Bosses Academy to photograph or record my child during camp activities for promotional purposes (e.g., website, brochures, social media).

[ ] I consent

[ ] I do not consent

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________

Date: ______________________

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